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NFL Madden Series 5 Lineup includes: Prescott, Johnson, Carr, Ellliott, Bell.
NBA Series 31 Lineup includes: Drummond, Green, Harden, Wall, Leonard, James.
NBA Series 30 Lineup includes: B.Simmons, B.Ingram, D.Lillard, D.Rose, D.Wade, K.Durrant.
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Collector Level Chase figures will be available while supplies last.
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  10 minimum for sports betting
Posted by: FabioIneks - 02-08-2021, 02:49 PM - Forum: My Forum - No Replies

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How Tennessee Sports Betting Minimum-Hold Rule Could Stop Market Before It Starts.
Legal Tennessee sports betting will begin when sports resume being played in the country. But bettors likely will find wagering in the Volunteer State less profitable than in other US jurisdictions.
The Tennessee Education Lottery Corporation board of directors unanimously approved final rules, regulations and processes for Tennessee sports betting on Wednesday.
Tennessee is capping payouts at 90% with a 10% minimum hold rule, potentially setting up an unattractive market for sports bettors. Officials said the full rules would be posted by Friday.
No other state requires a minimum hold for sports betting.
Evolution of minimum hold for TN sports betting.
The initial Tennessee rules released last November proposed that “Sports Gaming Operator’s aggregate annual payout shall not exceed 85% .”
After receiving backlash from stakeholders during the comment period, the board lowered the hold to 8% in March. Despite the objections, the final Tennessee sports betting rules bump the figure up to double digits.
US sports betting revenue data shows that the average natural hold for legal sports betting since the overturn of PASPA is 6.8% . The historical hold in Nevada is 5.4% .
Only two states — Delaware and Mississippi — exceed a 10% hold.
The board stipulated that Tennessee may revisit the rules in one year.
How payout cap could impact TN sports betting.
A study released by gaming analyst Eilers & Krejcik in January projected that the original 15% hold could cost Tennessee $11 million in annual state tax revenue and decrease the number of operators that apply for a license by more than half.
The biggest concern for sports bettors is how a hold will affect operators’ ability to offer competitive pricing . A 10% hold sets up the possibility that Tennesseans feel better off wagering in other states or illegal markets.
In general, the study indicated that a minimum hold requirement results in substandard odds and that sportsbooks may have to further worsen odds on local teams to help balance risk. Additionally, sportsbooks will have to avoid large payout liabilities to stay within the hold requirement.
Internationally, the study showed how France , the only major market with a minimum hold for sports betting, has severely underperformed.
Capping payouts is the standard in the world of lotteries. If Tennessee sports betting flounders, it could illustrate the potential disadvantage for states choosing the lottery to regulate sports wagering.

How Will TN Sports Betting Market Handle Minimum Hold Rule?
As Tennessee sports betting launches today, it brings with it a new problem for operators: how to ensure a 10% minimum hold.
To recap, Tennessee sports betting companies must hold at least 10% of all betting handle they take. If they don’t hit that mark at the end of each calendar year , they face fines of up to $25,000 .
The rule does not affect 2020 activity.
The Tennessee Education Lottery , which oversees all sports betting in TN, also has powers to “impose additional recourse” for non-compliance.
Are bonuses included in TN sports betting rule?
One important clarification worth noting about the unusual rule: TN said the minimum hold is calculated on:
“revenues minus aggregate annual payout to bettors.”
However, TN does not define what “aggregate annual payout” is, and crucially whether it includes bonus money . T he wider sports betting rules appear to define revenue as “adjusted gross income”.
Subsequently, Tennessee regulations state that bonuses are not considered when determining adjusted gross income.
In short, it seems operators can bonus away without affecting their hold rate.
How can operators hit the minimum hold rate?
In a vacuum, an operator would need to offer standard 50-50 markets at -125 in order to expect a hold of 10%.
But TN sportsbooks still have to compete with rival operators, the black market, and neighboring states. That means they will want to keep main markets like sides and totals at -110 , the industry standard.
Instead, look for vig on in-play wagers to go up. Customers are unlikely to be comparing odds mid-game, so may be less price sensitive.
Books will also be keen to push futures , which have a naturally higher hold rate, in part because it’s harder to see the vig in multiple outcome markets.
TN sports betting operators likely will push parlays onto customers, perhaps linking bonuses to them rather than straight bets.
Could this lead to limiting?
There’s also a chance books will be less willing to take any action at all that looks ‘sharp.’
In other states, books might be willing to take on customers that break even or lose at a low single-digit percentage.
But in Tennessee, that kind of player is going to hurt your hold rate. It could feasibly lead to that bettors being limited or booted quicker than elsewhere.
Not all bad news for TN sports bettors.
It’s far too soon to call the TN sports betting market a problem for players, though.
Consider UK operator Sky Bet , which posted a hold rate of 14.7% in H1 2020, even after accounting for bonuses.
That was higher than usual and driven in part by people betting on sports they knew less about during coronavirus -affected lockdowns. But it also reflected a recreational client base that bet lots of parlays.
How to translate to Tennessee sports betting market.
In a US context then, its relatively easy to get to 10% hold if a few heavy favorites lose in a given NFL betting weekend.
But that kind of customer base can also be a double-edged sword. Y ou also can get a month like September when the NFL favorites deliver, and operators lose big.
And then, it’s a long way back to a 10% hold.
Does that leave wiggle room?
If sportsbooks simply can’t get there, what then? Operators can “petition for relief” and try to show their sub-10% hold rate was due to “circumstances beyond their control.”
Of course, a smart lawyer could probably argue that all sports results are beyond an operator’s control, so it will be interesting to see what sort of latitude the Tennessee Lottery grants.
Lloyd Danzig of S harp Alpha Advisors also proposes a hybrid model could be in play.
“Operators may offer more favorable pricing at launch and then progressively worse odds as time goes on,” Danzig said.
Either way, this level of customization is undoubtedly easier when you own your technology.
“This sort of case is a clear advantage for being vertically integrated,” said Ed Miller , chief architect at in-play feed provider DeckPrism. “You have a lot more flexibility as an operator to optimize around rules like this if you control your stack top to bottom.”
Not all doom and gloom.
Taken together, it seems Tennessee sports bettors might not get totally screwed by the minimum hold. Main market pricing could be relatively unchanged, as operators wait and see how sporting results play out.
Of the first four operators licensed in TN, only one offered any comment on their plans when contacted by LSR .
“It’s more of a next year question,” said FanDuel spokesman Kevin Hennessy . “We will happily comply with the 10% hold regulations and continue to innovate to enhance the customer experience.”
The relative lack of information was telling to some however.
“I don’t know if operators have a solution,” said Joe Brennan , CEO of SportAD. “ They know they have to be in Tennessee as part of the narrative they’re telling the market. So they may just absorb the fine if they don’t hit the 10%. These guys blowtorch $25,000 in five minutes of advertising, so its woop de doo.”
Another option could be to offer to pay tax as if books did hold 10%, and take the tax hit to acquire players.
The end result is still unclear, but with the market launching today, we won’t have to wait long to find out.


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  carib sports betting website
Posted by: FabioIneks - 02-08-2021, 02:44 PM - Forum: My Forum - No Replies

[Image: olujak69.png]

п»їCaribSports Sportsbook Review.
Caribsports accepts all USA players and welcomes them to come and enjoy their large sportsbook. They offer betting lines on all American sports like the NFL and MLB as well as other sports across the globe. Caribsports hosts a great racebook that offers 5% back on all bets through the week. Their sportsbook design allows for easy access to all of their lines. They also have a friendly English speaking staff that is ready to assist at all times of the day or night. Overall Caribsports really bring some great lines for American players to wager on.
Is Carib Sports Legal In The USA For USA Players?
CaribSports provides American players with easy access to their sportsbook. Being that they are licensed off shore, CaribSports is legal for USA players.
Deposit Methods Accepted at CaribSports Caribsports offers the following deposit options for USA Players: Visa/Mastercard credit cards, Bank Wire, Check, UseMyWallet, eWalletXpress, 900Pay, and Quicktender. USA players will find all these method very convenient while Caribsports ensure as safe transactions through the SSL protocol.
Sports Wagering at CaribSports Caribsports offers tons of American sports like the NFL, NBA, MLB, and NHL. They also PGA Golf, Soccer, Auto Racing, and Tennis. USA players are certain to find the sport, they want to bet on, when wagering at CaribSports.
Types of bets found at CaribSports Caribsports lets players bet on all their sports they offer. They have an excess of various betting lines including moneyline, spread, total, teasers, future and a few others. Most of their lines have awesome payouts to all the USA players.
Bonuses and Promotions at CaribSports Caribsports will get new USA players on track with a 50% match bonus up to $250. This new player bonus comes with a 5x times rollover requirement. The sportsbooks will also give out 10% reload bonuses every day. CaribSports will give out special promotions and bonuses every single day of the week. On birthdays, the sportsbooks will even hook customers up with a $20 bonus just for playing their Daily Numbers game. Caribsports offers so many chances to get free money from their sportsbook.

CaribSports Sportsbook Review For 2020.
CaribSports has been serving the online sportsbook community since 1993, while continuing to provide outstanding service to all its players. They offer a grand sign up bonuses while giving the players dozens of lines to bet on every single day. CaribSports is licensed in Antigua but is has its headquarters located in Belize. Their website may not be as clean as Bodog or Diamond Sports International, but is still asy to get around and find which bets you want to make. On the contrary, CaribSports is currently getting ready to redesign their website to better suit its players, when they do, you can count on our CaribSports Sportsbook Review. They are accepting any feedback about their website in exchange for free cash. They have a horse racebook that even includes Yankee Bets. One aspect that ranks CaribSports very high is the daily promotions they give out to all of the players. Everyday you literally have a chance to win prizes and cash. Another unique game that CaribSports offers is Texas, where you get to pick daily numbers for huge payouts. CaribSports overall offers a great Offshore Sportsbook and Racebook. But if you are looking for casino play, there are other online casino that offer better deals and more games.
CaribSports Online Sportsbook - 50% Welcome Bonus - First Deposit Match.
CaribSports Sportsbook Bonuses: 25% To $250 Initial - 10% Reload.
CaribSports online sportsbook goes to great lengths to provide some of the best sports gambling bonuses. When you sign up they will give you a huge 25% bonus up to $250. This has a 5x times rollover rate applied to the bonus. When you refer a friend, CaribSports will give you 100% bonus on this bonus. This is essentially worth up to $125. With that they have a 10% reload bonus up to $250. With all these bonuses, CaribSports makes it easy to get started.
CaribSports Deposit Methods Accepted.
CaribSports offers all sorts of ways for you to deposit on their sportsbook. Like most Online Sportsbooks, hey make it very easy to get started with safe and secure transaction methods. The following are different methods to deposit on CaribSports: Visa and Mastercard credit cards, NETeller, EcoCard, Moneybookers, Money Transfer, Instadebit, and UseMyWallet.
CaribSports Sportsbook Withdraws.
CaribSports not only makes it easy to deposit, they make it just as easy to cash out your winnings. You can choose one of their numerous methods including: EwalletXpress, Fedex check, and Instadebit which are capable of quick sportsbook payouts.
CaribSports Sportsbooks & US Players.
CaribSports is proud to offer their sports betting venue to all US residents as they are considered one of the best US Legal Online Sportsbooks. They present effortless ways to deposit cash right into their sportsbook. CaribSports also makes it very simple to cash out your winnings. Americans from all over are able to get started and begin betting on all sorts of different sports very easily. CaribSports supports its American players with some helpful service as well as advice to make sure bets.
CaribSports Mobile Betting.
At this time, CaribSports does not offer mobile betting yet but they are trying to get it in place and ready to use. Consult our Review of CaribSports Sportsbook for future information and plans from this trusted online sportsbook.
CaribSports Customer Service.
CaribSports Casino houses lots of casino games like Blackjack, Baccarat and Craps. You can use your winnings from the sportsbook to play with on the casino.
CaribSports Special Promotions.
CaribSports really sets the bar for USA online sportsbooks with their astounding promotions they offer everyday. On Mondays, they offer a daily numbers pick where they raise the odds. They also have a Last Man Standing Contest with only $1 entry. This contest has a prize pool up to $500. On Wednesday or “WINSday,” CaribSports gives $1000 to four lucky players. On Thursday, CaribSports rebates all Horse Racing action 5%. On Friday or “FREEday,” if you by $50 worth of numbers, they will give you $10 for free. CaribSports also offers other promotions like Birthday Bonuses and Promo Squares. Overall their sportsbook welcome bonuses make them definitely worth a try.
Overnight Lines At CaribSports.
Carbisports Online Sportsbook updates their lines quickly every week because they know their players want the lines up early for efficient betting. They let you put your bets down before the lines change in the week.
Wager Types Offered At CaribsSports.
We couldn't leave out the sportsbook wagering types from our CaribSports Sportsbook Review, so we are here to tell you that CaribSports offers the standard betting formats similar to other online sportsbooks. They allow you to Straight bet, Parlay, Over/Under, Teaser, Buying Points, If Bet, Yankee, Lucky, Future Betting, and Prop bets. The prop bets they have differ depending on what type of sporting event you betting on.
NFL Betting Lines At CaribSports.
CaribSports does a phenomenal job with all their NFL sporting lines on their sportsbook. You have the ability to bet on every game with many different kinds of bets. For the games they allow to Straight bet, Parlays bet, Over/Under, Teaser, If bet, Future and Prop bet. One of their future bets allow you to pick a winner of the next Super Bowl. A standard Prop bet they offer would be how many yards will Brandon Jacobs run this game.
MLB Lines At CaribSports.
CaribSports has many great lines for MLB Baseball updated every day. For the games you can Straight bet, Spread bet, Over/Under, Prop and Future bets. Some of CaribSports future bets include picking Division Winners as well as the Pennant Winners.
NBA Lines At CaribSports.
NBA basketball is widely represented at CaribSports. They have lots of ways to bet on NBA like Straight bet, Spread Bet, Over/Under, Prop and Future. They let you bet on every NBA game too.
NHL Lines At CaribSports.
NHL ties in right with CaribSports while they have tons of lines and offer many ways to bet on the NHL. You can bet the NHL point spreads or the Over/Under for many of the games. They also let you future bet on lines like who will win the Stanley Cup.
CaribSports Horse Race Betting.
CaribSports offers one heck of a racebook for horse racing. They have dozens of lines available everyday and even offer 5% back on action for the week. You got the option to Straight Win, Place, or show, Exacta, Perfecta, Quinella, Daily Double, and many more. With all these ways to bet, CaribSports makes it easy to win on the horses after reading this Review of CaribSports.

Best 5 Sports Betting Sites Online 2020 | Top Sportsbooks.
Sports betting on the Internet can be a thrilling experience for anyone. If you want your sports betting experience to go off without a hitch, however, you need to find the right website. Thankfully, the Internet is home to quite a few appropriate sites that can provide users with top-notch experiences. Be sure to check them out as soon as you get the chance.
#1 Bovada.
If you’re keen on sports betting online, then there aren’t many website options that can even compete with Bovada. People who have penchants for gambling on the Internet often can’t turn away from this option. It presents users with an abundance of diverse choices as well. Some examples of these are baseball, basketball, and golf. It doesn’t matter what your specific sport preferences are. Bovada can help you attain an online betting experience that’s one for the record books, period. When you’re on the lookout for the best sports betting sites, then Bovada without a doubt should be on your radar. Fans of sports betting online frequently gravitate to Bovada and to all of its choices. Registration with Bovada can be a delight as well. That’s due to the fact that newbies can receive thrilling perks as incentives. If you like the concept of betting on hockey, basketball and the like, then you won’t be able to resist paying a visit to Bovada. Tennis bets have never been quite so pleasant online.

Carib Sports.
One thing to always keep in mind when looking for a place to bet on sports is their longevity. A sportsbook that has been in business for a long time without changing ownership or even worse names, is something to keep in mind. Staying in business for a long time usually comes with a reputation and usually, it is a good one.
They do not accept players from France and have had an on-again / off-again love affair with players from the United States. They started by accepting them when they started, then stopping the acceptance of players from the US years later. They then began accepting players once again in 2007, only to cease operations in the US again in 2011. They are now back in business but they have had a long history of problems at one time or another.
When they first opened they were considered a blue-chip sports betting site. They were the best of the best and they had an unmatched reputation as one of the best. That all changed in 2003 when the FBI cracked down on sports betting sites that were catering to US players although they were outside the United States. Carib is located in Belize and is backed by their laws and regulations. This did not stop the FBI by putting on a full court press and this was what looked like the beginning of the end for Carib Sports.
They lost millions and reports were that they were being choked out of their operating funds. This was enforced by complaints of slow or no pay problems. Although things looked bleak, they not only rebounded as a sports betting site but are getting better and better each and every year.
They went from getting horrible reviews at the major sportsbook review sites to climbing back into the good graces of these sites and their players. They offer a modest 25 percent sign up bonus coupled with 10 percent reload bonuses. Although this is nothing to get too excited about it, it is encouraging to see an upward swing from this once proud establishment.
They offer different betting options that include a sportsbook, racebook and casinos. The racebook comes with a five percent rebate and they also offer up special wagering attractions like Daily Numbers, Squares, and contests.
Just because a sportsbook has been in business for a long time it does not mean that they are instantly reputable. Only a complete look back at the full history will give you a glimpse of what kind of sports betting site that you are dealing with.

Antigua and Barbuda betting sites.
Betting from the sovereign state of Antigua and Barbuda is 100% legal and regulated, with 100s of betting sites accepting customers from this corner of the West Indies. People from Antigua and Barbuda are allowed to wager with betting sites licensed in this country, and they are also allowed to bet with UK companies. This means the top Antigua and Barbuda betting sites will cater specifically to the Eastern Caribbean dollar, and if they don’t they will allow you to convert your money into USD or another popular global currency. Our article will teach you everything you need to know about betting from Antigua and Barbuda, including how to deposit, the top betting sites and bookmakers and of course whether you are eligible for any betting sign up bonuses or promotions. The best Antigua and Barbuda betting sites for 2021 are:
Best Antigua and Barbuda betting sites.
Best Sports Betting Odds.
888 Sportsbook.
Bet ВЈ10 Get ВЈ30 in free bets.
#1 Sports, eSport, & Casino Betting.
All Players Accepted.
150% up to 450RM.
Discover more ways to play.
William Hill.
Deposit ВЈ10, get ВЈ30 free.
50% matched deposit up to USD $5,000.
Top betting sites for Antigua Barbuda.
The Antigua Barbuda licensing body is whitelisted by the United Kingdom Gambling Commission, which means operators boasting this seal, are allowed to market their services to punters in the United Kingdom. This shows how far the best betting sites have come since the early days of the Antigua and Barbuda gambling licenses regime, if the top gambling regulator in the world — the UKGC — allows its players to play with their sites.
The best online bookmakers for Antigua and Barbuda will have thousands of daily markets on a myriad of different sports, including all the ones, like the — NBA, EPL, NFL and various other leagues — that are popular in the East Caribbean. You will be able to bet on these sports, and many more, before the events start and also after they are in-play, with these in-the-running bets some of the most popular.
As a general rule at Antigua betting sites you will be able to also bet on horse racing, with these markets coming from places like the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia and Hong Kong. Popular bet types that you can place at horse racing betting sites include win bets, win and place, trifectas, quinellas and many more.
Antigua and Barbuda gambling laws.
The two Caribbean islands Antigua and Barbuda, comprising as one country, were relatively unknown to the world, until making headlines in 2017 when Hurricane Irma devastated infrastructure. But Antigua and Barbuda are the headquarters for many online gambling operators, and the country became one of the very first jurisdictions to issue betting site licenses. While the islands have launched operators into success, we take a look at what’s available back home for the residents, plus reveal why the US owes Antigua and Barbuda millions over gambling.
While they are two islands located between the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, Antigua and Barbuda are considered a single country. Once considered to be a part of Britain, the country became independent in 1981, maintaining a similar legislative framework to the UK (and likely one of the reasons the country has an advanced regulated gambling industry).
Punters residing in Antigua and Barbuda are incredibly lucky with the two Caribbean islands regulating online gambling, utilising the revenue for infrastructure. All forms of online gambling, including sports betting, is regulated under the Interactive Gaming and Interactive Wagering Regulations 2007. Operators that want to service Antigua and Barbuda residents can apply for gambling licenses, which have been granted since 1994 by the Directorate of Offshore Gaming. Licensees are required to have a physical office located on one of the two islands, with the regulator regularly checking in.
There are two obtainable licenses available on the twin islands, including a sports betting/bookmaker license and an interactive gaming, such as poker and other games, license. Operators that successfully obtain a license can also accept UK residents, since Antigua and Barbuda is a whitelisted jurisdiction, though, the UK Gambling Commission approves individual operators licensed by the country.
Antigua and Barbuda gambling license requirements.
Directors and shareholders with five percent or more of the company meet “personal and corporate due diligence requirements” The gaming software offered meets “internationally recognised standards for fairness” The bookmaker/casino has physical corporate headquarters and their primary servers actually in Antigua and Barbuda. The primary server has to “contain all information in relation to all players, including game history, financial history and current liabilities”
Antigua Barbuda v USA in battle of gambling.
The 2017 category 5 storm wiped out Barbuda, bringing to light a case which the two islands have been battling against the US since 2003. Rebuilding the island has been estimated as a $USD230-$300 million price tag, which could be covered if the USA paid its debts.
So what happened exactly? The US began its notorious crackdown on online gambling around the world, specifically offshore operators accepting American players, which meant Antigua and Barbuda lost a significant portion of income.
The twin islands took their case to the World Trade Organisation (WTO) in 2004, which ruled the US violated its trade agreements by prohibiting online betting via Antigua and Barbuda hosted sites. A lawmaker declared the islands lost $21 million a year, covered under American intellectual property rights. One unsuccessful appeal later, the US was ordered to pay.
The US has offered to settle the case for $2 million, which the country refutes given the calculative sum owed exceeds $200 million.
While American punters cannot access Antigua and Barbuda licensed online betting sites, there are options available to the island’s residents, with licensed sports betting platforms offering a vast range of wagering markets. European punters are also eligible to access these sites.
Antigua and Barbuda licensed betting sites.
One of the top online betting sites, licensed by Antigua and Barbuda, is Bodog. It features a sportsbook with a large range of sports betting and racing markets, plus promotions and a variety of different payment methods (see below). Unfortunately, you won’t find the Eastern Caribbean dollar readily available at online betting sites, so you will have to play in EUR or USD.
Betting site Bodog Sports betting Yes Horse racing Yes Casino Yes Bonus 100 percent on first deposit Minimum deposit $20 Minimum withdrawal $20.
While there are other online betting sites, as listed in the table above, available to Antiguans and Barbudans, they are not licensed by the country’s regulator. Reputable regulators, including the Malta Gaming Authority and the UK Gambling Commission, license these sites.
Payment methods for Antiguan and Barbudan punters.
If you’ve chosen Bodog as your preferred online betting site, since it the site’s licensed in Antigua and Barbuda, then you can deposit with bitcoin, credit cards and Interac e-Transfer.
At the other reputable online betting sites, you will find a range of payment methods. Log in to see what’s available and be sure to look into any transaction fees.
Online bookmaker payment methods.
Credit and debit cards Web wallets Bank transfers Prepaid vouchers SMS deposits Money Orders Cheque Local payment methods.


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  live online sports betting
Posted by: FabioIneks - 02-08-2021, 02:32 PM - Forum: My Forum - No Replies

[Image: join.gif]

п»їBest Online Sports Betting Site 2021 - #1 Top Sportsbook.
#1. Bovada.
Bonus: 50% up to $250.
#2. BetOnline.
Bonus: 50% up to $1000.
#3. MyBookie.
Bonus: 50% up to $1000.
Are you looking for the best sites for betting on sports and horse racing? Well, stick around, because this is all about showing you the best online betting sites.
Here are the 3 Best Online Betting Sites / Sportsbooks.
Bovada has changed the face of Sports betting online. They have a great sportsbook, racebook and one of the largest online poker rooms for players in the US. Their racebook is only open to North American thoroughbred and harness races.
Bovada offers a 50% signup bonus up to $250 and a bitcoin sports bonus of 50% up to $500 with a promo code. There is also a 100% match bonus eligible up to $1,000 and a bitcoin casino signup bonus of 150% match up to $1,500, both of which are redeemable up to three times. You starting bonus requires you to bet 5 times the amount of your initial deposit and bonus.
Deposits and Payouts.
They only offer two ways to make a deposit and that is with credit cards and bitcoin.
Their payout system has improved massively over the years. In the past, this was the main complaint about Bovada, but now that they fixed it by speeding up the process and being one of the first online sports betting sites to offer bitcoin withdrawals.
The minimum deposit amount is only $20.
Customer service.
BetOnline is great for sports gambling online in many ways, but especially with baseball. They constantly work to improve the online experience with their bonuses and other elements such as betting types.
BetOnline has a 50% signup bonus up to $1,000. There is also a 25% reload bonus eligible up to $1,000 and a $100 bonus for every friend who signs up and makes a deposit.BetOnline also has free play reload bonuses.
Deposit and Payment Options.
You can make a deposit with Visa, Mastercard, Discover Card, Diners Club cards or American Express. They also accept Moneygram or Western Union transfers, bank wire transfers, Bitcoin and Etherum deposits, checks, or you can send money from your Skrill account. Offering so many options makes them one of the Best Sports betting sites.
The minimum deposit amount is only $10, which is the lowest you’ll find.
Customer Service.
They have great, round the clock customer service. BetOnline has live chat, a toll-free phone number both can be reached 24/7 in English or Spanish.
BetOnline is a great gambling site because they put lots of effort into their Racebook. They have a well-run blog that offers advice for gamblers of all skill levels and they really know how to keep novice bettors interested and coming back.
MyBookie is another place which offers Sports betting online. They are newer than the others but already have a great reputation online.
They 50% signup bonus up to $1,000, a 100% casino signup bonus up to $300. While the refer-a-friend bonus is only 10%, that can be offset if you refer high ticket customers to them. They also have a 3- tier loyalty program that offers free payouts, birthday gift cards, game seats, and more bonuses.
Deposit and Payment Options.
They accept Visa, Mastercard, Bank Wire, Check, and Person-to-Person Transfer for deposits. The minimum deposit amount is $50. You are allowed one free payout, then you’ll be subjected to a fee for each withdrawal.
Payouts are completed within 48 hours. This makes them a top sites out there.
Customer Service.
They offer a live chat customer service or you can call them 24/7, but they only support English. They are one of the newest betting websites, but they’re one of the top sites for Sports gambling.
These websites are Best Sports betting sites because they value their customers and constantly work to make improvements.

Casinos, Online Sports Betting Gaining Traction In Virginia.
Along with drafting regulations for proposed casinos, the Virginia Lottery has approved five permits for live sports wagering in Virginia.
Mark Hand , Patch Staff.
VIRGINIA — The Virginia Lottery Board on Wednesday approved initial regulations for proposed casinos in Bristol, Danville, Norfolk, Portsmouth and Richmond. In 2020, the General Assembly designated the Virginia Lottery as the regulator of casinos in the state, along with mobile sports wagering.
For casinos, the Virginia Lottery will require that each game that operates electronically be connected to a central monitor and control system. Casino wagers must be conducted only with tokens, chips, or electronic cards purchased from the facility operator. Casinos will not be allowed to extend credit to players.
The Virginia Lottery said it will refine the initial regulations through a rulemaking process that will include an opportunity for public participation. The 2020 casino legislation passed by the General Assembly required adoption of an initial regulatory framework by April 2021.
At its Wednesday meeting, the Virginia Lottery Board also received an update on the recent launch of mobile sports betting in Virginia.
Live sports wagering launched in Virginia on Jan. 21 and now includes five approved permit holders: FanDuel in conjunction with the Washington Football Team; Draft Kings; BetMGM LLC; Rivers Casino Portsmouth; and Caesars Virginia LLC.
"The Lottery's role as regulator is based on its three-decade track record as a respected and trusted gaming authority in the Commonwealth," Kevin Hall, executive director of the Virginia Lottery, said in a statement. "The Lottery's professional staff and our Board will work to protect the public interest by ensuring the integrity of casino gaming through the strict enforcement of the law and our regulations."
For casino operators, the Virginia Lottery said it will conduct a review of casino operators when applications are submitted, including criminal history and financial reviews of designated gaming operators. Regulatory requirements also will specify internal controls and on-site security and surveillance requirements.

Online gaming, sports betting to go live in Michigan on Friday, Jan. 22.
In-person sports betting in Michigan began at 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 11, 2020 at MGM Grand Detroit and Greektown casinos. MotorCity Casino begins at 10am, March 12. (Photo by Edward Pevos | MLive)
Online gaming and sports betting in Michigan will go live at noon Friday, Jan. 22.
The Michigan Gaming Control Board on Tuesday authorized nine casinos and their platform providers to launch on Friday, just in time for Sunday’s NFL conference championship games.
The next few days will give the operators and platform providers additional time for testing and adjustments before the gaming goes live, according to MGCB executive director Richard Kalm.
“The Michigan Gaming Control Board and the state’s commercial and tribal casinos will begin a new era Jan. 22 with the launch of regulated online gaming and sports betting,” Kalm said in a news release. “Michigan residents love sports and, judging by inquiries we’ve received, eagerly anticipate using mobile devices to place bets through the commercial and tribal casinos. Online gaming and sports betting will provide the casinos with new ways to engage with customers while the state and local communities will benefit from taxes and payments on wagering revenue.”
The nine operators authorized to begin online offerings Jan. 22 are: DraftKings, William Hill, FanDuel TwinSpires, Golden Nugget Online Gaming, Rush Street, BetMGM, Wynn and Barstool (sports betting only). More operators and platform providers are expected to receive authorization in the coming days and weeks, according to the MGCB.
Only licensed casinos in Michigan — the 24 tribal casinos and three Detroit casinos – are allowed by law to offer online gaming and sports betting. Many opened retail sportsbooks in March, but setting up rules for online gaming and sports betting was a painstaking process as the MGCB set up an all-new framework that incorporated the licensing process, standards and regulations and penalties for noncompliance.
Friday’s launch, which will come more than 12 months after Gov. Gretchen Whitmer signed a bill to legalize online gaming, should create a new lucrative revenue stream for casinos, which were hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Overall, the three Detroit casinos reported about $639 million in aggregate revenue for 2020, down 56% from 2019, according to MGCB data. But online gaming and sports betting could be an avenue for casinos to make up for substantial losses incurred in 2020 while also generating millions in tax revenue for the state and Detroit.
The online sports betting rate is 8.4%, one of the lowest among states with legal sports betting. The tax and payment rate for internet gaming ranges from about 20 percent to 28 percent.
For Detroit casinos, 30% of online sports betting and internet gaming taxes will be allocated to the city, while 65% will be allocated to the state Internet Sports Betting Fund or the state Internet Gaming Fund. The other 5% will go toward the Michigan Agriculture Equine Industry Development Fund (up to $3 million per year from each tax source).
For the tribal casinos, 90 percent of online sports betting tax payments are allocated to the Internet Sports Betting Fund, with the other 10% goin toward the Michigan Strategic Fund.
For internet gaming, payments by tribes are allocated 20 percent to local jurisdiction governing body for services, 70 percent to the state Internet Gaming Fund and 10 percent to the Michigan Strategic Fund.
With pro teams in all four major sports and two prominent colleges in Michigan and Michigan State, Michigan is expected to be a prosperous market for operators.
“There is the extremely popular sports culture, not only on the pro team side, but you also have some really tremendously popular college teams,” DraftKings president and co-founder Matt Kalish told MLive. “In sports books, two of the top five sports are college basketball and college football. So when you have the Spartans and you have Michigan, these are really popular college organizations that have had a lot of success and have a lot of fans. I think that really helps just build up the overall audience for something like a sportsbook. It’s ultimately just a way to get skin in the game on the sports you’re watching. So the more consumption of sports that’s going on in the state, the better our product does.”
The minimum age for online gambling and sports betting is 21.

Online sports betting is live, could be the next Amazon.
(WXYZ) — Mike Mooney is the CEO of Choices Counseling Center in Roseville, a licensed counselor for 25 years, and is on the board of the Michigan Association of Problem Gambling.
The 24-hour Helpline is 800-270-7117. He wants that number out there because expects online gambling, now live in Michigan, to be a growing problem.
Mooney tells 7 Action News betting on smartphones could become the next Amazon with fewer people going to brick and mortar casinos.
“The 21st Century is going to tremendously expand with online gambling.”
And he says young adults are the target because they are familiar with smartphones.
The industry is blurring the line with not just sports bets, but also casino games on the apps.
Michigan approved online gambling because it generates tax revenue. Online gambling service providers include Michigan casinos.
The competition is fierce to get and keep the new players.
Mooney says The Michigan Association of Problem Gambling position on this is “neutral” because they would also like to see the state increase the amount of money it spends to help problem gamblers.

Online sports betting is now live in Michigan.
MICHIGAN — With online sports betting now live in Michigan, analysts are predicting it could bring in millions of dollars in tax revenue.
At 12:00pm Friday afternoon, 10 companies launched their online betting platforms in the state. 5 more are expected to launch in the near future.
“When the market matures, we're talking about $50 million probably for the state of Michigan in tax revenue,” said Matt Schoch, a gambling analyst for PlayMichigan.
"We're talking about maybe $8 billion in sports bets annually here in the state of Michigan when the market matures, as time goes on."
Schoch says New Jersey saw about $6 billion in wagers in 2020.
It hasn't been a quick road to get to this point. Schoch says “It's been about 2016 that they started putting bills in Lansing to make this happen. They had it almost figured out in 2018, but then Governor Rick Snyder vetoed it at the last minute."
A year later, Governor Whitmer would sign those bills into law.
Schoch says he is excited to see how the platforms that tribe-owned casinos in West Michigan launch fare against more corporate options like FanDuel and DraftKings.
"Particularly Four Winds down in New Buffalo and Firekeepers in Battle Creek, Soaring Eagle in Mount Pleasant, they're going to have their own self-branded apps."
If you or someone you know has issues with gambling addiction, you are encouraged to check out the resources at Good Luck Mate.


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  online sports betting arrests
Posted by: FabioIneks - 02-08-2021, 02:27 PM - Forum: My Forum - No Replies

[Image: Ina.gif]

п»ї36 people arrested in raid on an alleged online football gambling operator in Si Racha.
Thirty-six people including 32 Thais, 3 Myanmar nationals and a Laotian were arrested after police raided an online football gambling operation in Si Racha.
Police were notified after they had been given a tip-off by the ‘Gambling Report’ official LINE application used by Thai police for anonymous reports.
A house in the Surasak sub-district was being used as the alleged online gambling hideout.
Thirty-six people which were described as 32 Thais, three Myanmar nationals, and a Laotian national have been arrested. A number of computers and other electronic devices were seized by the police.
They are facing charges of providing and persuading illegal online gambling and offending the emergency decree.
This story first appeared on The Pattaya News.

Gambling advocate and net idol arrested for allegedly running online gambling operation.
Thursday, February 4, 2021.
An internet idol once called the “Gambler King” by the Bangkok Post was arrested for allegedly running an online gambling operation. The 29 year old self-professed gambler, Apirak “Sia Po” Chat-anon, is known for advocating for the legalisation of gambling. The Thai government even asked him to be an advisor on a committee reviewing Thailand’s laws on gambling.
Police from the Crime Suppression Division also arrested Sia Po’s “follower” Pacharapol Chansawang and 25 Burmese workers early this morning. Officers raided Sia Po’s home in Bangkok’s Phasicharoen district as well as 6 other places allegedly related to the gambling network. A crowd of reporters followed armed officers in one of the raids. (See video below)
The bust comes during a nationwide crackdown on gambling, called for by both the national police chief and PM Prayut Chan-o-cha after a rise in Covid-19 infections linked to gambling dens.
Sia Po was also arrested in October after a shooting outside a massage shop allegedly involving 2 rival groups.
SOURCE: Bangkok Post.
Catch up with the latest daily “Thailand News Today” here on The Thaiger.
Keep in contact with The Thaiger by following our Facebook page.
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Thursday, February 4, 2021 at 5:25 pm.
Gambling is worse than pedophilia. Send him to prison for life or better yet execute him. That will teach others about the immorality of buying lottery tickets or betting on a ball to land on red instead of green.
Friday, February 5, 2021 at 11:56 am.
Gambling is worse than pedophilia?
You need to get your head examined.
Thursday, February 4, 2021 at 7:48 pm.
I love the phone camera people, following the heavily armed swat team.
Friday, February 5, 2021 at 4:23 am.
The guy deserves this for his boasting and becoming a public figure. He thought he was untouchable. Hubris. Oh, yeah, and somebody needs to teach him that a mask goes OVER the nostrils. Idiot.
Leave a Reply.
Bangkok’s future is green, forest park project set to finish next year.
52 people in Bangkok arrested for alleged involvement in illegal loan operation.
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Health officials worry about potential spread of Covid-19 during Chinese New Year.
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Officials say 4 Bangkok parties have led to nearly 40 Covid-19 cases.
Caitlin Ashworth is a writer from the United States who has lived in Thailand since 2018. She graduated from the University of South Florida St. Petersburg with a bachelor’s degree in journalism and media studies in 2016. She was a reporter for the Daily Hampshire Gazette In Massachusetts. She also interned at the Richmond Times-Dispatch in Virginia and Sarasota Herald-Tribune in Florida.
Coronavirus (Covid-19)
Health officials worry about potential spread of Covid-19 during Chinese New Year.
Sunday, February 7, 2021.
With families across Thailand likely to get together to celebrate the Chinese New Year this weekend, health officials are concerned the gatherings could potentially spread Covid-19. In Bangkok, Friday’s festivities celebrating the year of the ox in Yaowarat, known as Chinatown, have been cancelled by the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration due to Covid-19 concerns.
Health officials are urging the public to practice disease prevention measures like social distancing when reuniting with family and friends. The director of the emergency disease and health hazards control division under the Department of Disease Control, Chawetsan Namwat, says strict social distancing is important at family get-togethers and suggested reuniting virtually instead, using video calls to make sure there is no risk of infection, especially with elderly family members who are the most at risk.
“People are advised to wear face masks when talking, or use chat applications with video call features to reduce physical contact.”
Recently, a number of coronavirus infections in Bangkok have been linked to social gatherings. 4 separate parties in Bangkok are behind nearly 40 cases of the Covid-19 virus, according to spokesperson from the Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration. They say alcohol was a main factor in people letting their guard down when it comes to practicing disease control measures.
In Tak’s Mae Sot district, bordering Myanmar, 11 people from 7 families tested positive for Covid-19. The infections are all linked to the same person. Following the recent cases, provincial officials declared the district a maximum control zone, banning large gatherings and imposing a mandatory 14 day quarantine for all arrivals.
SOURCE: Bangkok Post.
Keep in contact with The Thaiger by following our Facebook page.
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Online Gambling Racket Busted By Mumbai Police; 14 Arrested.
by Mrinal Gujare Posted on 03 Feb, 2021.
MUMBAI: As per a news report by Press Trust of India (PTI), Mumbai police arrested 14 people in an online gambling bust. A Mumbai Crime Branch official reportedly revealed that on Tuesday, February 2, based on a tip-off, the property cell of Crime Branch busted an online gambling racket. The news reports state that the police managed to seize INR 1.39 lakh cash, 14 mobile phones, playing cards, SIM cards, router among other things.
According to media reports, Mumbai Crime Branch officials further added that the 14 accused will be under police custody till February 5. Previously, it was reported how in July 2020, the crime branch of Mumbai police, raided an online gambling racket and arrested three people from a plush location of Mumbai’s Bandra suburb. News reports reveal how officials from the property cell busted a ninth-floor apartment in Bandra and arrested three alleged culprits for playing online poker.
ALSO READ: Pune: Online Matka Gambling Racket Busted, 6 Booked.
According to media reports, an official from the crime branch said that the three people arrested by them used the PP Poker application, which enabled them to create multiple online gambling clubs which could have its presence across the country. Furthermore, around three laptops, five mobile phones, two internet routers and cash worth INR 90,000 was seized from the suburban apartment.
On February 17, 2020, the Mumbai crime branch also arrested 17 people from an upscale location of Oshiwara, in connection with gambling and operating a gambling den. The news reports add that one person was arrested for running the gambling den while the remaining 16 were arrested for their involvement in gabling.

Police have raided a commercial building in Bangkok and arrested the net idol Sia Po along with 25 Burmese workers.
Sia Po, once called the “Gambler King”, had millions of online followers and rose to fame by having inside knowledge of cases like the 2017 karaoke girl murder in Khon Kaen.
He showed off his riches online with lambos, stacks of cash, and beautiful girls. But Sia Po was also known as a charitable man who curried favour with his fans by donating large sums to flood victims and others in need.
He claimed that he made his mony by selling male supplements online and investing in a foreign casino.
The bust comes during a nationwide crackdown on gambling, called for by both the national police chief and PM Prayut Chan-o-cha after a rise in Covid-19 infections linked to gambling dens.
Sia Po was also arrested in last October after a shooting outside a massage shop allegedly involving 2 rival groups.
Last year Sia Po testified before a working group of the House select committee on law, justice and human rights, which is mulling changes to the gambling law.
“The government invited me to talk on online gambling…how we should fix the law so we get money coming into the country,” he told his followers later on Facebook.
Members invited Sia Po, who faces charges of money laundering and enticing Thais to gamble online, because of his “knowledge” in this area.
Netizens, unhappy MPs had offered Sia Po the post of adviser, dug up embarrassing episodes from his past, including one where he rode down a street on his motorbike wearing nothing but pink underwear, for which he was given a suspended jail term.


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  quantity vs quality in sports betting
Posted by: FabioIneks - 02-08-2021, 02:21 PM - Forum: My Forum - No Replies

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п»їSports Betting Section.
Quality vs Quantity Sports Betting Strategy.
A debate you will always hear when it comes to sports betting is what the ideal number of bets to make is. Should you look to make a large number of bets each week, or should you instead concentrate on a few games that are the highest quality and give you the best chance of succeeding. You might expect someone in my position to tell you that you should focus on making the best quality picks you possibly can at all times. I’m not going to do that because I don’t think that it is necessarily true. There is no one right answer for most situations in sports betting. What is important is you go down the path that is right for you. That means that you need to evaluate what your strengths, weaknesses, and goals as a sports bettor, and pick the approach that is best for you. Here are six questions to ask yourself to help determine if quality or quantity is the approach for you when handicapping:
What are your goals? – there is another way you could ask this – why are you betting? Is your goal to make as much money as you possibly can? Or do you enjoy the puzzle and the challenge of trying to figure out how a game is going to turn out and who is going to win? Do you like to watch every game that you bet on to enjoy the thrill of watching? Or do you like to have lots of bets live at the same time so you can pay attention to them all? Are you committed to making a meaningful amount of money from your betting, or are you more interested in the action? The more of an honest sense you can get of what you want to get out of betting the better you can answer the question of what approach is best for you.
Can you bet more games and still be a winner? – If you want to consider betting on more games then you need to make sure that you stand a good chance of being profitable while doing so. If not then what’s the point? In order to consider increasing your quantity of bets, then, you need to be sure that you are making a solid profit per game now at the level you are betting. Your profit per game is likely to decrease as you bet more games, so you need to make sure that you can still make a profit if you make less per game. This involves some guess work, but by looking back at your sports betting records you can likely make a reasonable guess.
Can you streamline your handicapping process to make it faster? – In order to bet a lot of games you need to be able to effectively handicap a lot of games. That’s not rocket science. You still need to be able to handicap effectively, though – if you are sacrificing significant handicapping effectiveness to bet more games then you likely ultimately aren’t going to be any further ahead – and you are undertaking a whole lot more risk in the process.
How much time do you have to get ready? – This is really an extension of the last point. Betting one more games means more time handicapping (likely), more time making bets, more time following those bets, and more time recording and interpreting the results. There is nothing wrong with spending more time doing those things, but only if it makes sense for you and helps you reach your goals more effectively. If you don’t have the time to properly bet more games then your handicapping quality – and ultimately your results – are going to suffer.
How big is your bankroll? – When you are betting on more games you are likely to have more money exposed at the same time. Even if you decrease your unit size slightly because of the increased number of bets you are making you could still have several active bets at the same time. If you don’t have a big enough bankroll to handle the risk – and the potential that you could fall into a pretty good hole if you hit a losing streak – then you are not going to be able to succeed over the long term. It is always important to be properly funded for your sports betting, but it is especially important when you are going to be betting a lot.
Why do you want to bet more games? – Ultimately this is what it all comes down to in sports betting. If you have a good reason that makes you want to bet on more games, and you are reasonably confident that you can do it effectively, then there is no reason not to do it. One of the great joys of sports betting is that you only have to answer to yourself.

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Getting Started with Sports Betting Money Management.
The first step for any sports bettor is to look at wagering as an investment, not a gamble. To the pros, wagering on sports is no different than the stock market. It’s the process of investing money based on research and hard work. Thus, you must make a decision of how much money you are willing to invest. This should be the amount of money that you are willing to lose and money that you can afford to lose. Sports betting can be very volatile, so you absolutely cannot be betting money that is used to pay your daily, weekly, and monthly bills. Never make a wager with money that you absolutely need financially.
What percentage of bankroll should you bet on a game?
The next step is finding the right amount of the betting bankroll that you have set aside to wager on one particular game. Experts have been debating this question for years but in my experience, most pros bet between 1 and 5 percent of their betting bankrolls and I firmly believe in this strategy as well. You should never bet more than 5% of bankroll on one particular game. Now that we have set our parameters for bankroll management, we have to find the correct percentage for you as a sports bettor to wager on the outcome of one game. This is where it gets tricky.
I personally am a quality over quantity gambler, meaning I only like to bet a very small amount of games. I generally bet one game a day. Sometimes I will bet two and other days, I will pass. For me, it makes sense to wager 5% of my bankroll on each play I am betting on since I am only betting the absolute strongest plays on the board each day. If you are going to be what’s known as a volume bettor, betting anywhere from 5 to 10 games a day, you should bet less. Pros that are betting volume generally bet 1 or 2 percent of their bankrolls on each selection they make. Now if you fall in the middle, betting between 2 and 5 games a day, I recommend betting 3% of your bankroll.
What does it mean to be a Flat Bettor?
All of the above guidelines are based on the premise of being a flat bettor, meaning you bet the same amount on each game. I am a firm believer in flat betting but many professional handicappers rate their plays from weakest to strongest. If you decide to do this, you should still stick to betting between 1 and 5% of your bankroll on any given game. However, with this style you must deviate how much to bet on a game based on its rating or strength. Therefore, your strongest games should be 5% and your weakest selections should be 1%. Most handicappers use the star system: 1*, 2*, 3*, etc. For each star that a handicapper places on a game, is a percentage you should wager. If you use a handicapper who has a larger range then 5*, then your parameters have to be set up a little differently. But always stick between 1 and 5%. This style of betting will give you the best chance at long term financial success and make it possible to weather the storms of inevitable losing streaks.

How to choose a sports betting site?
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