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п»їElezioni USA.
Si terranno il 3 Novembre 2020 le prossime elezioni presidenziali negli Stati Uniti d’America . Quel giorno verrà eletto il 46-simo Presidente USA.
Come si vota.
Il meccanismo di elezione è molto particolare, si tratta di un suffragio semidiretto: il Presidente viene infatti incaricato da un collegio elettorale di 538 grandi elettori a loro volta eletti, in maniera diretta, il martedì successivo al primo lunedì del novembre dell’ultimo anno del mandato del Presidente in carica.
In base alla propria popolazione, ogni singolo Stato appartenente alla federazione elegge un numero di delegati pari al numero di rappresentati dello Stato stesso nel Congresso. Per essere incaricato, il candidato deve avere la maggioranza assoluta e avrГ  un mandato di quattro anni. Ecco finora chi ГЁ stato eletto:
Per poter essere candidabile ed eventualmente eleggibile chi si presenta alla elezioni deve essere cittadino statunitense per nascita, qui risiedere dal almeno 14 anni e avere almeno 35 anni compiuti. Una volta eletto il presidente, si passa all’assegnazione del mandato che dura quattro anni e scandisce i rapporti con il Parlamento.
Le primarie.
I due principali partiti politici esistenti, Repubblicano e Democratico, determinano i propri candidati dopo aver svolto elezioni primarie, che si svolgono in maniera diversa a seconda dello Stato nel quale si svolgono.
Di seguito la redazione ha raccolto gli articoli di maggior interesse seguendo tutti gli aggiornamenti dalle primarie alle elezioni presidenziali vere e proprie. Leggi le notizie, gli scenari e le proiezioni sui candidati, i loro programmi, segui le elezioni USA 2020 su Wall Street Italia, i sondaggi pre-elettorali e i risultati finali.

Scommesse Presidente Stati Uniti 2020: quote Elezioni USA.
Come puntare nelle scommesse Presidente Stati Uniti 2020: le quote sulle prossime elezioni Usa e la guida completa sulla scommessa speciale.
Scommesse Presidente Stati Uniti 2020 – Tante piattaforme online oltre alle classiche scommesse offrono ai propri utenti puntate speciali per giocare con categorie extra-sportive. Eventi capaci di coinvolgere il grande pubblico, come ad esempio gli Oscar . O su argomenti più seri e che riguardano l’attualità In questo articolo vedremo come scommettere sul prossimo Presidente degli Stati Uniti 2020 . Troverete le quote, i favoriti e i migliori bookmakers per puntare sulla corsa alla presidenza.
Come scommettere sul prossimo Presidente Stati Uniti 2020: quote Elezioni USA.
Tutto il mondo osserva la corsa alle candidature per il prossimo presidente degli Stati Uniti, con le elezioni attese per il prossimo novembre 2020. Dalla parte dei conservatori Donald Trump , sulla sponda opposta le primarie Dem che vedono in ballo Joe Biden e Bernie Sanders . Ma quali sono le quote sul vincente Elezioni Presidenziali Usa 2020? Di seguito una panoramica.
Quote vincente Elezioni Presidenziali Usa 2020.
Cominciamo subito col dire che tutti i bookmaker danno come favorito il presidente uscente Donald Trump , con una quota che oscilla tra l’1.80 e l’1.60 . Le due fazioni in lizza invece si attestano su una quota piuttosto simile, tra l’1.70 e il 2.00. È anche vero che siamo agli inizi della corsa e che il panorama di certo verrà influenzato quando i democratici definiranno il loro candidato e la battaglia vedrà in scena due attori definiti. Dunque chi vuole investire nel medio lungo termine approfittando di quote interessanti, potrebbe effettivamente farlo oggi, puntando sulle scommesse Presidente USA 2020.
Al momento i potenziali avversari di Trump sono Sanders e Biden, come già accennato in corsa per le primarie. Gli ultimi esiti hanno portato diversi candidati ad abbandonare la corsa alla candidatura Dem, tra i quali Michael Bloomberg ed Elizabeth Warren. L’ex vicepresidente di Obama, Joe Biden, è in vantaggio su Sanders dopo l’inattesa rimonta ottenuta nel SuperTuesday. Ed è proprio Biden a guidare la corsa con 664 delegati contro i 573 di Bernie Sanders, ma per essere nominato candidato dei Dem sono necessari 1991 delegati. Al momento Biden ha una quota che oscilla tra il 2.25 e il 2.50 , mentre Sanders è piuttosto distante (13.00-20.00).
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One-term presidents: Trump joins the list of Commanders-in-Chief denied a second term.
President Donald Trump will join the list of Commanders-in-chief who were denied a second term after running for reelection.
Former vice president Joe Biden was projected to defeat President Trump, thus making Trump the tenth incumbent to become a one-term U.S. president.
From John Adams to George H.W. Bush, ten Commanders-in-Chief throughout U.S. history have run for re-election and lost.
Let's take a look into the past — at U.S. presidents who didn't get a second four years because they were denied by voters in the general election.
George H.W. Bush.
George H.W. Bush (Photo: AFP / GETTY)
The most recent one-term president was George H.W. Bush. The Republican incumbent served as the 41st president of the United States from 1989 to 1993, but lost re-election to Democrat William (Bill) Clinton, who went on to complete two terms.
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Bush's White House biography attributes his defeat to the country's "discontent at home from a faltering economy, rising violence in inner cities, and continued high deficit spending."
Jimmy Carter.
Jimmy Carter with Rosalynn Carter at the National Convention in Madison Square Garden in New York on July 15, 1976. (Photo: AP Photo)
The 39th president of the United States, Democrat James (Jimmy) Carter, served from 1977 to 1981. He lost his re-election campaign to Republican Ronald Reagan, who went on to two full terms.
Carter's biography points to several factors that contributed to his loss — including a short recession and the hostage-taking of U.S. embassy staff in Iran. On the day Carter left office, Iran released 52 Americans.
Gerald Ford.
President Gerald Ford reads a proclamation pardoning Richard Nixon on Sept 8, 1974. (Photo: AP)
Serving from 1974 to 1977, Gerald Ford was the 38th president of the United States. The Republican incumbent lost re-election to President Carter.
Following the resignation of President Richard Nixon after the Watergate scandal, Ford became the first unelected president in U.S. history. Ford's controversial pardon of Nixon had consequences — and many blame it (along with numerous issues including a poor economy and the fall of South Vietnam) to have cost him the presidency.
Herbert Hoover.
President Herbert Hoover presided over the worst economic downturn in U.S. history. In October 1929, just eight months after Hoover took office, the stock market plummeted in a massive selloff. Hoover's efforts to revitalize the economy by supporting financial institutions with government loans proved insufficient. The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell by a staggering 82.1% under Hoover. Due largely to poor economic conditions, Hoover was a single-term president, losing to Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt by a landslide. (Photo: Topical Press Agency / Getty Images)
Republican Herbert Hoover was the 31st president of the United States, serving from 1929 to 1933. He lost re-election to Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt, who went on to complete three full terms.
Within months of Hoover's election, the stock market crashed — spiraling the country into the Great Depression.
"His opponents in Congress, who he felt were sabotaging his program for their own political gain, unfairly painted him as a callous and cruel President," reads his White House biography. "Hoover became the scapegoat for the Depression and was badly defeated in 1932."
William Howard Taft.
In this 1912 photo, President William Howard Taft is seen throwing out the first ball on opening day for baseball, to start the season for the Washington Senators in Washington. (Photo: AP)
The 27th president of the United States, Republican William Howard Taft, served from 1909 to 1913. He lost his re-election campaign to Democrat Woodrow Wilson, who went on to complete two full terms.
According to Taft's biography, the president "alienated many liberal Republicans who later formed the Progressive Party." The party's divide ended his presidency. When Republicans renominated Taft in 1912, Roosevelt left to lead to Progressives, guaranteeing the election of Wilson.
Benjamin Harrison.
Benjamin Harrison Benjamin Harrison ALSO READ: The Net Worth of the American Presidents: Washington to Trump (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)
Serving from 1889 to 1893, Benjamin Harrison was the 23rd president of the United States. The Republican incumbent lost re-election to Democrat Grover Cleveland. Many point to growing discontent of third-party Populists, unpopularity of high tariffs and government spending at contributors to his defeat.
Harrison had initially replaced Cleveland in the Democrat's 1888 campaign for re-election. But Cleveland ran again in 1892 and won — making him a two-term (though not consecutive) president.
Martin Van Buren.
Martin Van Buren was president during the financial panic of 1837. His debate with Congress over his proposal for the creation of an independent treasury, which passed, was so bitter it drove some Democrats into the Whig Party. Van Buren also supported cutting off all federal government expenses in order to keep the government running. (Photo: National Archives / Newsmakers)
The 8th president of the United States, Democrat Martin Van Buren, served from 1837 to 1841. He lost his re-election campaign to William Henry Harrison of the Whig party, who died not long after taking office.
His biography points to the panic of 1837, where hundreds of banks and businesses failed — halting prosperity the country had witnessed in recent years. Van Buren "devoted himself to maintaining the solvency of the national Government," but his remedies prolonged the depression, and he lost reelection.
John Quincy Adams.
John Quincy Adams (1767-1848) served from 1825-1829 as president. (Photo: Henry Guttmann / Hulton Archive / Getty Images)
Serving from 1825 to 1829, John Quincy Adams of the Whig party was the 6th president of the United States. The incumbent lost re-election to Andrew Jackson of the Democratic-Republicans.
According to his White House biography, Adams' loss is attributed to Jacksonian opponents' accusations of corruption and public plunder — "an ordeal Adams did not easily bear."
John Adams.
President John Adams was in office from 1797 to 1801. (Photo: iip-photo-archive / Flickr)
The first one-term president was John Adams. The Federalist incumbent served as the 2nd president of the United States from 1797 to 1801, but lost re-election to Democratic-Republican Thomas Jefferson.
"In the campaign of 1800 the Republicans were united and effective, the Federalists badly divided," Adams' biography reads, noting that Adams polled just a few electoral votes less than Jefferson.

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